Thursday, 29 March 2012

polished magazine cover, contents and dps

Final adjustments to my magazine
Front cover- on the front cover the last minute changes I made are that I made issue number and price in the bottom right hand corner smaller, I generally made all of the text slightly smaller and get rid of my strap line above the masthead, and added be in the know above the issue name, I did this because I wanted to add an extra something that’s catchy for my audience, I have also added ‘Jessie j fights back’ in the bottom right hand corner because I felt it need something extra.
Contents- on my contents page I have changed the whole format of it by changing the font and adding sections to organise and allow readers to understand it better, all the text is now inline and I have added subheadings and more pages to the contents, I have also deleted the ‘in this months issue’ underneath the title as I felt it wasn’t needed.
Double page spread- on this page I have added an extra column to the text so there is now 3 columns, this means it looks more like a structured article& interview, I have changed the pull out quote into the same text as the artists name so the page is more even and I have added it in-between column two.

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