Friday, 16 March 2012

Evaluation question 3 FINAL

What kind of media institution might distribute your media product and why?
Bauer media group publish magazines monthly such as Q magazine, although Q is styled differently i think that it’s a mainstream music magazine that also appeals to the social group i am aiming for, it also published monthly like my magazine would be, i think that my magazine would fit in to this publishing group because although Q has a similar music genre so there is a market for Bauer media group to publish my magazine. 
Bauer media also produces several music channels such as 'smash hits TV' and 4music which both would be playing the sort of pop music i intend to include in my magazine. Adverts in the magazine- adverts will slot throughout the magazine for example my magazine audience is directed at teenagers mainly girl who have disposable income, adverts that appeal to my audience may involve beauty products, ipods, phones, trainers etc.
I have decided on this media group to be the one i think would distribute my media product because they are a well known group rather than one thats new or smaller and would be able to get my magazine out there because they have experience.

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