Thursday, 29 March 2012

polished magazine cover, contents and dps

Final adjustments to my magazine
Front cover- on the front cover the last minute changes I made are that I made issue number and price in the bottom right hand corner smaller, I generally made all of the text slightly smaller and get rid of my strap line above the masthead, and added be in the know above the issue name, I did this because I wanted to add an extra something that’s catchy for my audience, I have also added ‘Jessie j fights back’ in the bottom right hand corner because I felt it need something extra.
Contents- on my contents page I have changed the whole format of it by changing the font and adding sections to organise and allow readers to understand it better, all the text is now inline and I have added subheadings and more pages to the contents, I have also deleted the ‘in this months issue’ underneath the title as I felt it wasn’t needed.
Double page spread- on this page I have added an extra column to the text so there is now 3 columns, this means it looks more like a structured article& interview, I have changed the pull out quote into the same text as the artists name so the page is more even and I have added it in-between column two.

Friday, 16 March 2012

Evaluation question 7 FINAL

Looking back at your preliminary task (the school magazine task), what do you feel you have learnt in the progression from it to full product?
From making my school magazine i feel that i have developed my skills in photoshop and gathering ideas and i have shown and improvement, when i first started the process of my school magazine i wasnt very skilled at using photoshop for example i had no idea how to make layers and cut out images, and i decided on my preliminary to use very simple and basic layouts and techniques, i didnt plan it accurately and i feel i didnt push my technical abilities.

 For the school magazine we didnt have the oppurtunity to research and plan so i i have learnt from my music magazine that research and planning is benefitial to the outcome and can help develop and challenge ideas. From the analysis of other magazine covers i have learnt how magazines are designed to attract and please their target audience. Creating my music magazine allowed me to apply the knowledge i was learning in an effective way, when comparing my school magazine to my music magazazine i think it represents how i ahve learnt different aspects that are included in magazines, for example on the cover of my school magazine the barcode would have needed to be smaller, this issue number and date smaller, and the strap lines in line and less list like. another example of what i have learnt and improved on is the contents i have included more detail this time, included more variation and a less confusing layout, And my photographs throughout are edited to compliment the magazine and not over edited.

Evaluation question 6 FINAL

 THE INTERNET, I have used the internet in the process of making my magazine because I used it for my research and planning section, I used it to gain knowledge of the types of magazines out there and gained inspiration from looking on the internet, I also used it to access my blog and upload posts to my blog about the steps of making my magazine.

COMPUTER, I used the computers around school with acess to Photoshop in my lesson and in my free periods to research and create my magazine.

PHOTOSHOP- Adobe Photoshop Elements 5.0, the software installed on the school computers that I have access to, using this software it allowed me to create and layer parts of the magazine in order to put together new and interesting effects to make the magazine as technically realistic as possible.
CAMERA- I used a digital camera to take images of my model/ artist that was going to be on the cover and inside of my magazine.
Microsoft Word 2007: I used microsoft word to write up my double page spread article so i could check im spelling words and that i am structuring the article correctly.

ANIMOTO- I have used animoto to create the pitch for my magazine, the reason I chose animoto because I felt that it was more interesting than PowerPoint and is more entertaining for my audience as you can add music etc.
COVER JUNKIE- in my research and planning section i used cover junkie alot to gather ideas and inspiration for layouts, colour schemes and eye catching features.
SCRIBD- i used scribd to upload some of my planning and research from microsoft word onto a scribd document so i was able to post it onto my blog
MEMORY STICK- i used my memory stick to save work such as my photographs of my artist/ model and work that i had done at home so i could bring it into school to put into my school documents.
BLOGGER- i have used create a coursework blog blog and keep updating it with posts such as research and planning and my evaluation questions.

Evaluation question 5 FINAL

Evaluation question 4 FINAL

Evaluation question 3 FINAL

What kind of media institution might distribute your media product and why?
Bauer media group publish magazines monthly such as Q magazine, although Q is styled differently i think that it’s a mainstream music magazine that also appeals to the social group i am aiming for, it also published monthly like my magazine would be, i think that my magazine would fit in to this publishing group because although Q has a similar music genre so there is a market for Bauer media group to publish my magazine. 
Bauer media also produces several music channels such as 'smash hits TV' and 4music which both would be playing the sort of pop music i intend to include in my magazine. Adverts in the magazine- adverts will slot throughout the magazine for example my magazine audience is directed at teenagers mainly girl who have disposable income, adverts that appeal to my audience may involve beauty products, ipods, phones, trainers etc.
I have decided on this media group to be the one i think would distribute my media product because they are a well known group rather than one thats new or smaller and would be able to get my magazine out there because they have experience.

Evaluation question 2 FINAL

I Have Tried to Make My Magazine And