Tuesday, 24 January 2012

Music magazine pitch

i think my magazine pitch went well, in the picth i included nearly every feature people would want to know about my magazine, changes i have made are that i originally priced my magazine at £4-£5 now overlooking this pricing and from the feedback/ comments made i am going to lower it to around £3.50 so its more affordable and appeals more to the age goup i am aim to, i also am changing my target age from 15-25 to 17-25 because from the feedback i feel this would be more appropriate.

Monday, 23 January 2012

Audience profile

Typical target for my music magazine,

Lucy-anne, 19 years old student, studies musical arts at a university in London, she lives in a flat with 4 girls, and spends her free time socialising, on weekends her flatmates love going out to bars and clubs around London and love listen to varieties of music, her typical taste in music would be anything current and popular she loves strong female solo artists such as beyonce and rihanna and has quite a girly taste in music, Lucy has a very quirky fashion sense and shops in high street stores such as topshop and H&M and also in charity shops because of the tight budget she is on, she likes to put her own clothes together to create new styles, and last yeat lucy attended glastonbury festival with her flatmates and loved it. she is quite outgoing and doesn’t get much free time to sit and chill because of the workload she receives and the fact that she is always on the go and spends most of her time travelling from place to place on trains and in taxi's so she doesn’t have time to watch music channels and check out the latest chart music, so a magazine for her is ideal because she can put it in her bag and read it on her commute, because of the student bugdet lucy wouldnt want to pay more than £4 for her music magazine a music magazine, and what she wants from the magazine is to know latest chart songs, upcomong artists and upcoming music events/ festivals,

colour palette's

1The first colour palette i have decided to test out is black white and purple, i have already decide i want to use black and white because i feel they both just work and pop off each other so I’m colour testing to find a third colours that appropriate, i think purple works well because its bright and would stand out it i think it would also look good with text/special offers over it and its a ‘poppy’ colour so it in keeps with the magazine genre, and is definitely something to keep in mind.

2I have tested out grey with my black and white, although this isn’t a traditional ‘pop’ colour, i have taken inspiration for this colour palette from fashion magazines such as a few vogue covers and i think it looks professional and interesting, although this would work, i think would rather stick to my bright/ quirky colours to compliment the magazine.

3Another combination of colours i have chosen to put together is black, white and bright pink, i taken this inspiration from the Rihanna NME magazine special where i think it looks great and stand outs and looks the part, pink is a really quirky colour so would be perfect, although i want to keep the magazine suitable for both genders i am having a female solo artist on the front so it would complement the singer.

4My last colour palette testing was- black, white and a mint green, now this is an unusual combination and i don’t think ive seen it used before but i think the three go together well and the green is so quirky i think it would pop well if put on the cover and could create something really interesting, so at the moment i am chosing between colour palette number

Font styles

My name for my  music magazine  is 'MUSIQ' so for research  for my masthead i have been  onto dafont.com and    researched  into what   kinds of   fonts that  would   work and wouldn't  work, my  magazine is a  pop/ mainstream magazine but i want to make it as edgy as i can but in keeping with genre of the music.                                                                                                                                                        i have categorized two different types of text the firstone being bold  chunky written  in a techno style i have collected 7 of these which i think suit the name and would work brilliantly, i have then collected 3 in a similar writing style but in white text with black box's around them i think this would be a good style for the masthead     of the    magazine   because its bold     and     eye-catching and i think it leaves you to create and styles the background for the cover,                                                          my four  favourite  fonts  are  number1,number4, number7  and,    number10,         the decisions i have made are that i am going to use one of these four and i like these particular fourbecause i have an idea for the cover and can imagine them fitting in with my theme for the cover.

Magazine covers, contents pages & dbs analysis

78668552 Presentation 1

Tuesday, 10 January 2012

Magazine summary evaluation

My magazine turned out similar to how i imagined it, when starting to brainstorm ideas for the magazine I looked at a lot of others and they all seemed to how simple in common, they were all set out fairly simple nothing to fussy, with clear text, and a bold title, when I imagined the front cover I wanted to stick to this so it wasn’t to in your face. We used Photoshop to create the magazine which at first seemed complicated adding the layers and cutting all the images out etc. I feel like the magazine front page and contents page have turned out well, they are both quite layed back which I thought was quite important for the genre of the magazine being school and school fashion you don’t want anything too intense.
The magazine front cover followed rules that alot of other popular magazines follow- i stuck to 3 colours for it (white, red, black)- the issue was the first and a christmas time issue so for future issues of the magazine the 'red' sections of the magazine could be changed to suit another type of the issue, big bold title in capital letters, barcode, issue number, price mid shot image, text desciribing whats in the magazine.

Monday, 9 January 2012

magazine layout

When choosing where to place my image i looked through exsisiting magazines and tried to follow the "Rule of Thirds" or "Golden Ratio", by putting the main subject image slightly off to the right hand side of my magazine with text to the left to make the magazine more interesting to look at rather than being smack bang in the middle which can be confusing.

also when decided and trying out different layouts i looked at the gutenburg diagram, which is a theory of how you would read something like a magazine, i tried to follow this diagram and i made a concious decision to put all the text on the left so things are viewed in a logical order.

School magazine evaluation

school magazine evaluation

  • In what ways does your media product use, develop or challenge forms and conventions of real media products? 
  • my school magazine challenges other real magazines of its kind because its more of a social school magazine, it has a simple layout but is quite quirky in the way things stand out, i have chosen typical magazine features- main subject(mid shot), 3 different colours for the colour scheme, a large masthead with a one word title in the middle at the top.

  • How does your media product represent particular social groups?
  • my media product represents young students mainly girls probably because of the fashion side and the way things are worded but also boys too.

  • Who would be the audience for your media product?
  • The magazine is aimed at any student at lutterworth college who enjoys fashion and gossip and wants to read about the news and events going on.

  • What have you learnt about technologies from the process of constructing this product?
  • i have learnt from the process of making the school magazine, what works and what just doesnt and never really will, i have learnt how to put together a magzine on photoshop and how to use layers and insert images onto the magazine etc.


    My front cover and contents page for my 'ORIGINAL' lutterworth college school fashion and news magazine.